Starts Thursday
The World of Motion Picture Advertising Slides
Barefoot Boy, The (USA, 1923)
- Title / Subject
Barefoot Boy, The
- Associated Names
John Bowers, Marjorie Daw, Sylvia Breamer, Frankie Lee, Tully Marshall, Otis Harlan, Raymond Hatton, Brinsley Shaw, Virginia True Boardman, Gertie Messinger, Lottie Williams, John Greenleaf Whittier, Wallace C. Clifton, Joe Brandt, David Kirkland
- Year (film)
- Country (film)
- Film Type
- Production Company
Mission Film Corporation
- Distribution Company
C.B.C. Film Sales Corp.
- Slide Content
- Year (slide)
- Country (slide)
- Slide Publisher
- Excelsior Illustrating Company
- Construction
Double pane glass, taped edge, 3.25" x 4"
- Unique ID
- Collection
- Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center