Starts Thursday
The World of Motion Picture Advertising Slides
Abraham Lincoln (USA, 1930)
- Title / Subject
Abraham Lincoln
- Associated Names
William L. Thorne, Lucille La Verne, Helen Freeman, Walter Huston, Una Merkel, Stephen Vincent Benet, John W. Considine Jr., Joseph M. Schenck, D.W. Griffith
- Year (film)
- Country (film)
- Film Type
- Production Company
D.W. Griffith Productions
- Distribution Company
United Artists
- Slide Content
- Style / Variation
Style A
- Year (slide)
- Country (slide)
- Slide Publisher
- National Studios, Inc. ("Formerly Excelsior Illustrating Co., Inc.")
- Construction
Cardboard frame, single pane glass, 3.25" x 4"
- Unique ID
- Collection